Am I Dreaming? Pink Dolphins and Sloths?

Am I Dreaming? Pink Dolphins and Sloths?

Amazon, Peru. How to describe it? A big muddy river or the most beautiful spot on our planet. Where else can you see pink dolphins (the only place in the world), monkeys, 2 toed sloths, wild orchids, 4 foot iguanas and gorgeous sunsets while navigating a giant, muddy river? The statistics are staggering; 25% of all our oxygen is produced in the Amazon, one third of all species live there, the drainage basin covers 2.7 million square miles, and 25% of all drugs come from rain forest ingredients. Wow. Yet, we have destroyed 20% of the forest already; gone forever to make way for cattle grazing, mining, logging and agriculture. And the deforestation is continuing at a dizzying pace. What can be done before the whole ecosystem collapses? Well, you can visit (ecotourism supports the rainforest), think about your food choices (huge swathes of rainforest are being destroyed to plant soybeans in support of cattle), avoid companies exploiting the forest (selling exotic animals or timber) and learn all you can. But time to get off my soapbox and back to planning a return trip to Peru in search of birds and orchids! Now that is helpful and...
Snakes, Snakes and more Snakes

Snakes, Snakes and more Snakes

Wilmington, NC. My what an interesting place, a serpentarium. Well that is a new one for me. A zoo that specializes in snakes may not be on everyone’s list of things to do, but it was high on my list when in town for my niece’s wedding. The Cape Fear Serpentarium is recognized as a leading world reptile  collection with over 150 snakes, crocodiles and lizards. Cobras, pythons, mumbas and even a man eating crocodile. Very cool and kinda creepy at the same time. Pictured is a timber rattlesnake which is very prevalent in the Eastern US.  Dean Rika, the owner and herpetologist (a person who studies reptiles) of The Serpentarium, devised a 5 scull and cross bone rating for how dangerous each snake is depending on venom, aggressiveness, and other factors. This snake gets 3 sculls which means you might die if you get bit and will likely have lasting debilitation. One scull means you will generally recover and 5 sculls (the max) means you will probably die or wish you had if you get bitten. Best not to have to try the ratings out!  ...