Enchanting Invertebrates

Enchanting Invertebrates


Boston, MA. I just can’t get enough of the glass models created by the Blaschka’s back in the late 1800’s. In addition to the thousands of flower and plant models they made, there is a whole series of jellyfish, octopuses and other invertebrates made from glass by the father and son. >

This glass octopus is in The The Harvard Museum collection and is stunning to view. So what exactly is an invertebrate? Well, 97% of animal species alive today are invertebrate, meaning they have no backbone. Really! I had no idea. >

This includes insects, crabs, snails, starfish, and of course octopus. With 8 arms equipped with suction cups, 2 eyes and a beak much like a bird’s beak (the only hard part of their body), the octopus is a highly intelligent animal. They use both short and long term memory to solve mazes and problems and are the only invertebrate to use tools. In one study, they were given a coconut shell which they took apart and reassembled as a shelter.

And they make great designs on pants. Take Billy Horschel in the last round of the U.S. Open. While he didn’t win, everyone was talking about his Ralph Lauren octopus pants. A brilliant marketing strategy on the part of the Ralph Lauren folks. Now how cool is that!




