Tea Time Anyone?


Malaysia. My favorite time on the Orient Eastern Express train was tea in the late afternoon served by our butler, Paul. The tea was always hot and perfectly brewed.

What I didn’t realize, tea is the most popular beverage in the world behind water. It has been served for over 5000 years and has tons of documented health benefits including helping lower heart disease and blood pressure, prevent tooth decay, help in weight loss and help shrink cancerous tumors.

And all tea, whether black, green, oolong or white, comes from the same plant. It is just a matter of the way the leaves are processed that make each tea different ( I didn’t know that either).

The most expensive tea experience in the world? Well for $200 a cup you can have tea fertilized by panda poop ( I am not kidding. It has been certified by the World Record Academy). Or for $813 a couple you can have high tea at the Cliveden Hotel outside London. Not only do you get tea, but truffles, caviar, one glass of Dom champagne and chocolate cake trimmed in gold leaf. A true bargain!