The Three Seasons of Thailand


Three seasons? Not Four? Thailand is unique with only 3 seasons, Summer, Rainy and Winter. The rainy season, when we hear about monsoons, runs from June until Nov, winter runs Nov until Feb and summer is from March thru May.

But even the Winter is hot, with a record low recorded in 1951 of only 50 degrees in Bangkok. We were there in Jan and it was 80.


The Emerald Buddha shown in the photo resides at The Grand Palace in Bangkok, where the murder of the King occurred back in the 40’s. The Buddha has 3 different outfits which are changed according to the season. Kind of sounds like playing with dolls, although the Emerald Buddha is one of the most revered Buddha’s in Thailand and the world.


A ceremony is held each season where only the King of Thailand changes the costume or if the King is not available, his liaison. Note the 3 entirely different seasonal ensembles. All are made of gold as only befitting a Buddha in the royal palace. A very strange custom, indeed.